Wednesday 12 March 2014

                                        A HISTORY OF ISRAEL IN PALESTINE
Historically the land of Palestine located around the Mediterranean Sea has always been the homeland of Jews. We know through history, Palestine had always been an attraction to invaders.
Around 13thBc , a small Hebrew tribe migrated to the area in and around Palestine. The old Testament (Torah) recorded this migration, the record showed a tribe coming from the land of Egypt and settling down in Canaan (Palestine) and around today’s West bank.
The settling Jews were immediately subjected to many wars, some they won and some they lost. Again we can use the ancient temple of Solomon to discern the truth, Israel once had position over lands around Palestine and in Palestine during ancient time.

Remember Israel was subjected to war, two of this wars proved evil for them. One was the taking of the ten tribes by the Assyrians. It was not recorded whether this ten returned back to their land. The remaining two tribes were taking into captive by the Babylonians, they returned back to Palestine after the fall of the Babylonian empire.
These two tribes, the kingdom of Judea continued to have their share of both peace and war yet they retained their sovereignty. 

Thus was the kingdom of Judea until it fell into the hands of the Roman Empire. History tells us a lot about the Roman influence on the Jewish state. During this time the Jewish nation was greatly mixed, it had both Jews and non Jews. The land of Bethsaida had a good number of non Jews because of its rich fishing culture. Around the year 70AD, the Romans under Titus attacked and subdued a rebellious Jewish state, many Jews died. Again the Jewish state arose in Rebellion against the Roman Empire, this time in 135AD They were expelled from the land of Judah (Palestine), not all Jews left Palestine.

As the years wore on, centuries later, Jews from around the globe began to think of ways to return to the land of Palestine. In 1890s a Jew Theodor Herzl who was an Austrian journalist became prominent among these Jews calling for a return to their homeland. Herzl gave his fellow Jews the idea of uniting the Jews in other countries with those in Palestine (Zionism)
However Palestine was now inhabited by Arabs who were mostly Muslims and a few Jews living in its main cities. Among the few Jews living in Palestine were Jews from Europe who came on Pilgrimage to Palestine but decided to remain in their country. The land of Palestine was ruled by the Othman Empire, the Empire took less interest in Palestine because its grounds lacked profitable values. Due to the largely presence of the Arabs in Palestine by this time, the name Palestine came to be.
We know the Land of Palestine continued in obscurity drawing mainly pilgrims to its grounds. This changed when the Suez canal was opened in 1869 and the occupation of Egypt by Britain in 1882. Palestine linked the canal with the Mediterranean Sea.
In the late 19th century and early 20th century, large numbers of Jews migrated from Europe to Palestine (their original homeland) as the Zionist movement grew in strength. This became sign Herzel’s vision of a people with land uniting with People without a land was soon to take place fully. The returned Jews bought lands from the Arabs who were now in Palestine and established an Agricultural based homes. Little was done in other to stop the returning Jews from setting up homes in Palestine.
With the defeat of the Othman Empire in World war11 the control of the land of Palestine fell to the western powers. Prior to the end of World war11, Britain promised to give autonomy to the Arabs and Zionists living in Palestine if they fight in their favor. With the war ended time for Britain to fulfill their promise came. Series of letters known as Husein-Mcmahon correspondence were sent between Husien Ibn Ali of Mecca, ruler of the Arabian Peninsula and sir Henry Mcmahon who was the British high commissioner in Egypt.
In 1917 there was a declaration known as the Balfour declaration which somehow gave Palestine into Jewish hands. But this was not to be so for in 1930s the British sided with the Arabs. They prevented much of the Jewish migration to take place.
It was the Holocaust of the war on Jews which prompted the UN to act. Their resolution181 in November 29 1947 which divided the land of Palestine into two, a part for the Jew and the other for the Arabs was accepted by the Zionists but rejected by the Arabs.  
On May 14th 1948, with more Jews arriving from Europe, a Jewish state of Israel was declared. A year later the Jews were called to war by their Arab neighbors.